Project outputs

Scheme for Stakeholder Participation Processes

Title:Catalogue of Measures Beskydy – Kysuce Pilot Area
Responsible partner:
Description:This publication was elaborated as part of Output 4.1 Catalogues of measures of the TRANSGREEN “Integrated Transport and Green Infrastructure Planning in the Danube Carpathian Region for the Benefit of People and Nature” project (DTP1-187-3.1, January 2017 – June 2019) funded by the Danube Transnational Programme through the European Rural Development Funds.
Cite as:Immerová, B., Kadlečík, J., Koubek, I., Strnad, M., Thompson, T., (editors), Bartošová, D., Dostál, I., Drengubiak,P., Hlaváč, V., Kalaš, M., Machciník, B., Skuban M., Václavová, Z. (2019): Catalogue of Measures. Beskydy– Kysuce cross-border pilot area (the Czech Republic, Slovakia). Danube Transnational ProgrammeTRANSGREEN Project, Danube Transnational Programme TRANSGREEN Project, Part of Output 4.1.

Green bridges: “highways” for wildlife above highways for people

Title:Green bridges: “highways” for wildlife above highways for people
Responsible partner:
Description:Highways connect people. But risk to isolate animals by cutting through their habitats. Green bridges or “ecoducts” represent one solution to ensure connections for wildlife while allowing people to connect as well. TRANSGREEN project aims to create better connections for people and wildlife in the Carpathian region.
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